Tuesday, 4 March 2025

John Joseph Fahey - New South Wales Premier 1994 and An Attempted Shooting of Prince Charles at Darling Harbour


John Joseph Fahey was born January 10, 1945 in Wellington, New Zealand.

Liberal Party of Australia.

John Joseph Fahey died 12 September 2020.

Some of the shooting footage shown here:

Historic Footage on X: "King Charles III , then prince of Wales, deals with shots Fired at him in Sydney, Australia 1994. https://t.co/rXKt0NqKlL" / X

"A devout Roman Catholic, he was married to a former Anglican, Colleen, and stirred some controversy when he declared his opposition to both abortion and birth control.[3][18]"

"Fahey is noted for having thwarted an assassination attempt on Charles, Prince of Wales. On Australia Day 1994, Prince Charles was about to commence handing out awards at a ceremony in Sydney's Darling Harbour when a former anthropology student, David Kang, lunged onto the stage towards the prince, simultaneously firing two shots from a starter's pistol. Fahey, sitting next to the prince, subsequently assisted by the then Australian of the YearIan Kiernan, tackled Kang and wrestled him to the ground, after which Kang was subdued and arrested. Although the attack proved less dangerous than it was first thought to be, Fahey was nonetheless widely praised for his unthinking bravery.[8][3]"

Read more at Wikipedia.. John Fahey (politician) - Wikipedia

Once you see it..  you don't unsee it...

its that "catholic connection"... 

a Jesuit Military Order

Mark Carney, catholic, banksters' boy.. 

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