Sunday 1 September 2024

Sunscreen and healthcare...


The sun does not cause cancer, sunscreen does.

Skin cancer rates have skyrocketed ~200% since the introduction of oxybenzone sunscreen. This is not a coincidence. The sun is the single greatest source of life on earth. We were meant to bathe in it freely, not hide from it under a vitamin D-blocking layer of chemical goop. Instead of lathering yourself in soyscreen this summer, start building your natural solar callous (and tan) with these practices: Gradual Exposure Starting with zero sun tolerance, you’ll be best off getting sun when its rays are the mildest: during sunset and sunrise. As you get more acclimated, gradually spend more time in the sun using clothing and the shade to block it whenever you feel yourself starting to burn. Stop Wearing Sunglasses When you put a filter of darkness over your eyes, receptors in your brain are tricked into thinking it’s dark and you’re out of the sun. Your body’s natural response to this is to stop releasing melanin into the skin, thus leaving you more vulnerable to burns. Moisturize and Hydrate Before, after, and even during sun exposure, be moisturizing in coco oil and/or tallow. Be very cognizant about staying hydrated in the sun. This doesn’t mean chugging plain water but rather getting a healthy dose of hydrating minerals and electrolytes. Great sun drinks/snacks: -coco water -mineral water with sea salt and lime -freshly squeezed fruit juices -raw milk -fruit with a pinch of salt sprinkled on top Diet Inflammatory seed oils will not only make you feel like garbage, but they will literally burn under your skin in the sun. Eliminate all processed food from your diet. Eat real, whole, natural foods and nutrients. You will feel better, look better, and your body and skin will be healthier and much more receptive to the sun’s rays. It is completely silly to be fearful of the sun. Adapt these practices + listen to your body when it signals overexposure, and I promise you will experience only positive health benefits from it 🌞

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