Sunday 4 August 2024

We Are All Human Sackville United Church Sappyfest Facebook - What is this flag? What does it represent?


What is this flag and what does it represent?

Sackville United Church | Sackville NB | Facebook

Affirm United - Affirm United a proud partner of The United Church of Canada for the support of all gender identities and sexual orientations :

Affirm United – Affirm United a proud partner of The United Church of Canada for the support of all gender identities and sexual orientations (

From the website:

"AU/SE is thrilled to share about our new Executive Director….Please join us in welcoming Ruth Noble! 

Ruth Noble (she/they) is thrilled to be called to this position at Affirm United. Ruth has been in The United Church of Canada since birth. She followed in her father’s footsteps and became a minister 26 years ago. She worked at Head Office of The United Church of Canada, telling the stories of Mission & Service in print, video, photo and social media. Over their time in ministry, Ruth has helped three congregations become affirming. Ruth also spends time writing Queer historical fiction as well as blogging, and she is in the process of creating a podcast called “The Historical Deviant.” Ruth has volunteered with Pride Toronto in Family Pride performing puppet shows in drag, and at Inside Out LGBTQ+ Film Festival in Toronto. Ruth is blessed with a wonderful supportive chosen family! 

Ruth brings a wealth of affirming experience, and we can’t wait to see where they takes the organization. Please help us make Ruth feel welcome, and help support her as she transitions into this new role. Ruth will be starting her work with AU/SE on August 1st, and if you wish to contact her, you can do so then at "

Sackville United Church is led by Rev. Lloyd.

"No Space For Hate" on Facebook...

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