Tuesday, 19 December 2023

Laura Aboli “Transhumanism: The End Game” https://www.lauraaboli.com/

I have always been a very private person, never particularly active on social media or public platforms. Very much a hermit, I am happiest at home with my kids. But recently I felt the urge to speak my mind, not just privately (which I have always done) but publicly. I suddenly felt compelled to come out of my comfort zone and share my thoughts, opinion and experience in the hope that I may inspire and encourage a positive change in society. I took a leap of faith that I could make a difference, at least I would try. I am a firm believer that each and everyone can make a difference, and in that spirit, I started writing my blog and making videos with the underlying aim to remind us all of the beauty, the power and the resilience of the human spirit.

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