Sunday 9 January 2022

Trudeau in Hot Water Over His Comments on Quebec TV About The Unvaccinated People


Story with video at this link:

'Fascist Psychopath': Justin Trudeau Calls the Unvaccinated 'Racist and Misogynistic Extremists' (Video) - RAIR (

Commenter writes:

The non-vaxxed are “taking up space”, says Trudeau. What does that imply, that they need to be forcibly removed, or forcibly injected?

He’s got his father’s old communist political party urging him to mobilize the military for a mass vaxx campaign: NDP leader Jagmeet Singh sent Trudeau a letter to that end:

Most people don’t know the NDP is communist, always has been. It has always been a full member of the Socialist International, and influential in its affairs. The two planks of the SI are (i) “industrial democracy” (Yugoslav-style communism better known as workers’ control) and (ii) a socialist world government.

Speaking of world government, in 2010, Justin signed the UNPA Petition for an elected assembly at the UN, converted to a world government. Here’s treason in action:

This might interest you, Justin ordered riot control gear and offers to build quarantine camps way back in 2020:

Justin was caught training Communist Chinese troops in Canada:

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