Thursday 3 June 2021

The nightmare continues until.....

 People unify & call out the fraud here in New Brunswick!

How long do people want to suffer for?

Over a year of fear-mongering propaganda has demoralized so many people.... and they're now unable to think for themselves - that is very unfortunate for our youth.

I have advised the elected new Mayor of Sackville New Brunswick by phone yesterday to go "mask-free" in the town and to stop promoting vaxx.

I advised the new mayor that the local Salem Elementary School principal should also go "mask-free" in her school for the health of all students, staff, teachers alike -- unfortunately, Ada Phinney, school principal made the choice [cowardly] to report me to the Moncton RCMP for harassment for giving this concerned advice to her by email recently.  I did have a conversation with an RCMP officer from Moncton about the situation and that I was seeking as well from Ada Phinney the return of my DVD "The Great Global Warming Swindle" which has been on loan to her since October 2019 when I visited with her, on her invitation, at her home to drop the DVD off with her for educational purposes.  I have been nothing but cordial and reasonable with Ada Phinney in the past 10 years and why she has become defensive with me speaks volumes - parents are not exercising their right to free speech - that needs to change.  My advice stands... go "mask-free" and stop the fear-mongering and stop the fraud... children need hugs not masks.. not vaxx.. not lies & b.s.

Additional reading from nearby Nova Scotia reporters at Civilian Intelligence Network:

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