Sunday 21 February 2021

Ikea respects your right to breathe. Costco is still pretending we are in a pandemic - Dr. Dena Churchill

Support businesses that respect our individual differences and our right to breathe! Educate and File human rights complaints against those that don't. Feel free to copy and paste any of these questions to the police, policy makers and small businesses in your area. Greetings Nova Scotia Members of Parliament, 1. Are all government officials privy to the quarantine centres? If so why is MPP Randy Hillier the only one asking questions? 2. If the PCR test is a Hoax why is it being used as a diagnostic tool? A medical specialist in virology and pathology... Chairmen of Covid19 test producer CONFIRMS it‘s a hoax "There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. This is nothing more than a bad flu season. It's politics playing medicine and that's a very dangerous game. There is no action needed….Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence whatsoever they are even effective. It is utterly ridiculous seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people walking around like lemmings obeying without any evidence. Social distancing is also useless….. Positive testing results do NOT indicate clinical infection. It is simply driving public hysteria and ALL testing should STOP immediately….using the province’s (AB) own statistics the risk of death under 65 is 1 in 300,000. The scale of the response is utterly ridiculous…all kinds of business closures, suicides …. you're being led down the garden path." 3. If you are aware of unlawful measures but choose to do nothing, could you be held personally liable for injuries and damages? Thank you for your attention to these urgent questions, Dena

Thank you so much Dr. Dena Churchill for your helpful videos!

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