Wednesday 8 April 2020

Unwarranted "Corona" hysteria is raging in Nova Scotia .. why?

The number of deaths across Canada is low.  The hysteria is not warranted.  So what is really going on?  A coup. A take-over. A take-down of our nation.
The Maritimes has their own fascist little modern day Hitler.. very unfortunate.
Hier McNeil berating the public daily on his youtube channel.... pathetic.

Dr. Strang and Liberal Premier Stephen McNeil in Nova Scotia Canada are awful "crisis actors" and are happily leading the way with their daily propaganda, fear-mongering sessions on youtube with the naive general public who are being berated for simply living their lives, going shopping, going outside, having family gatherings, and doing anything near other people.. this is abusive.. this is insane.. and this is very destructive policy.  These chattering minions are weak-minded useful idiots for the UN / WHO cabbal.  The first Nova Scotia death was reported yesterday of an unnamed Cape Breton woman her 70s - she had pre-existing health problems.  The reality is that the annual flu kills many more people - especially old people - so this is clearly still not a pandemic but it is being hyped in the media so much that you have to understand now that this is a military operation and is psychological form of warfare.  Terror is the business that these people are involved in .. its a war on the general public now and its also economic warfare against free enterprisers shut down by this military operation.  By mindlessly following the instructions of these lunatics we will surely decimate own our economy which begs the question "Who benefits?".  These people will be held accountable for their actions. Count on it.  Traitors will be dealt with.
"For crying out loud, just do it!" decries Liberal McNeil who has done nothing but berate his fellow Nova Scotians...

The incomprehensible level of ignorant and inappropriate panic among the public, media, healthcare authorities and politicians is setting the stage for martial law. Mark my words.  This will not end well.  Take note and take names now.  Do not be deceived.

Evidence UN WHO #COVID19 used as a cover while US Federal Reserve bailed out insolvent EU & UN. Before COVID-19 UN EU states had no money to pay debt & IMF had no money for bailouts. Since COVID-19 Germany got $800 billion, IMF got $1 trillion, Spain $219 billion ... from the Fed
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Why Italy, France, Spain & UN would falsify #COVID19 reporting? They‘re insolvent. UN & EU states desperately need money but IMF doesn't have money & can‘t print $trillions for a bailout. Upcoming CAF domestic Op is to keep Canadians distracted & "in the dark" during a EU bail-in

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