Thursday 9 April 2020 - Paul W. Kincaid - Moncton New Brunswick Indie Media - Twitter

Remain calm in the "corona cuckfest" and take care of yourself. Personal responsibility and common sense will get you through.  Thanks Paul.
Please donate to Paul's work if you can spare even $5 it all help him continue.

[I've been brushing my teeth with bicarb soda for years; its healthier - no fluoride!]

Documented and tested cure for #influenza outbreaks/pandemics like COVID-19? Baking soda. Used 100 years ago by the US Public Health Service and physicians to cure/stop post WWI Spanish Flu pandemic.
Quote Tweet
“while fighting the ‘flu’ with the US Public Health Service; rarely anyone who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks." Dr. VS. Cheney

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