Saturday, 11 May 2019

Lindsay Shepherd Is A Fake Free Speech Activist

Lindsay Shepherd, just like Jordan Peterson, is a fake free speech activist.

They pretend to be these valiant "free speech warriors" who are fighting for the rights of Canadians, when in reality their idea of free speech activism is getting into arguments with blue haired Marxist useful idiots to drive traffic to their Patreon accounts, and paradoxically, suing people for slander when someone says something about them that they don't like.

Peterson rakes in millions of dollars per year, and Lindsay is set to potentially become a millionaire if her lawsuit against Wilfred Laurier university is successful. Yet not only have these people not donated to Bill Whatcott's legal defense fund, the most Peterson has done is make a half-hearted tweet, and Lindsay has denounced Whatcott as a stalker who is putting children in danger.

Meanwhile, Bill Whatcott has sacrificed his livelihood and freedom to simply speak the truth and practice his religion. Not only have Lindsay and Peterson not supported his fight against Oger and the BC Clown Rights Tribunal, they have also not supported him in fighting the persecution he's endured for handing out Bible scripture and health facts at the Toronto gay pride parade in 2016, persecution which may land him in prison for up to 18 months.

Jordan Peterson and Lindsay Shepherd are crypto-leftists who want nothing more than to milk filthy lucre from the disaffected masses.

And Bill Whatcott is the real McCoy.

You can donate to Bill Whatcott here to help him fight for free speech:

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