Monday 20 May 2019

Why Become A Borg Mind with NGO minion Laura... ?

As "Director of the NB Food Security Action Network"... NGO mum Laura is considered an 'influencer' and 'change agent' .. I call her a meddler.

Her husband Chris Eaton was throwing support for the climate action strikers out there too on "Sackville Tribune Post" facebook recently.... but it was framed as an ultimatum to "do this or else" .. I don't like to see children being manipulated with guilt trips .. no one is taking the childrens' future from them.. its very odd indeed.

I don't agree with Chris or Laura .. because quite simply put they're wrong.

"The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system and therefore long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible", IPCC 2001 .. the IPCC web pages where this statement was recorded were purged in November 2018. It was recorded prior to this many times on the way machine. -- Patrick Moore,

Unlike Laura I would never presume to tell other parents to turn their children into protestors and marching mobs.... I have too much respect for individuals to do that.

I do have ideas and I do have opinions but I have a less aggressive approach.

Check out this woman's "list of demands" climate strike action list of demands
Laura Reinsborough wants us to believe the 'youth' are behind the 'strike action' for climate change protestors...  these unnecessary disruptions will continue by the 'mob' of youth rounded up to be used as pawns in this political action... its not about climate... it is about obediance training to the collective mob.. very sad.

Recommended reading:
Dr. Tim Ball and Patrick Moore ..
Canadian scientists.

I have no idea why anyone in their right mind would take 'climate science' advice from a 16 yr old.

"Food freedom" is a much more realistic and positive goal than food 'security' .. and of note, these type of funded NGOs and non-profits ALL have an agenda that is anti-oil and gas which is very odd & ironic because OUR farmers need fossil fuels to run their farms and keep their operations going - abundance requires cheap, plentiful, readily available energy -- fossil fuels fills that criteria very nicely in Canada.

So I'm also very confused.  Its one thing to have your funding provided by globalists with an agenda for the international banksters but its quite another to work actively to scare children; its unacceptable behaviour and has no place in our public schools.

Laura is also one of the people promoting "Sackville Schools 2020" - an astroturf group based in a university town that is best avoided and best exposed for the controlling group of pushy and fear-mongering propagandists that they are.. they have enjoyed the support of Sackville's meddlesome Mayor John Higham - a man who needs to be voted out in 2020.

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