All meddling, chemically and social engineering, in our children's health needs to be stopped immediately.... #stop big pharma's ongoing destruction in our society #stop promoting pills!!
Those people [ activists ] that are brainlessly and happily promoting this anti-nature/anti-human agenda as somehow 'inclusive' and 'progressive' need to think twice.
“Nothing is completely reversible.” And they’re putting children on these drugs. This is why you have mothers writing unimaginable statements such as, “My once-beautiful daughter is now bearded, homeless, and sterilized.” In the name of diversity and tolerance, transgender activists are experimenting on and destroying children. .. #big pharma #killing #harming #neutering ...
Mount Allison University's 2014 campaign to make bathrooms 'inclusive'.
Advocacy for healthy, safe schools that are fluoride-rinse-free, facemask-free, and free from tyrants who are enforcing mandated vaccines on YOUR beloved children .. end the "climateering" funded NGOs non-profit meddlers - - - - - #Disclosure King John III Joseph Gregory Hallett -- C0nc3nt4t10n c4mp5 w3r3 fund3d by b1g ph4rm4, for slave labor -- THE Indie Media Eastcoast HUB
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