Monday 18 March 2019

Chilliwack School Trustee, Dr. Darrell Ferguson, Under Fire for Decency ...

Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson is running for the PPC - Maxime Bernier's Federal Party in 2019

Education is a provincial jurisdiction but I think Laura's opposition to SOGI shows her courage and righteous when it comes to protecting children in Canadian schools.. stay vigilant.. as Laura does.. it matters a lot.

Published on Mar 18, 2019
There was an extremely disturbing report a couple of days ago on the evening news on CTV here in British Columbia. It is now all over radio and Twitter as well. It’s a story that highlighted a School Trustee debate on dress codes in Chilliwack, BC. Not only am I shocked at the slant that CTV would put on this story, but I find the actions and perspectives of the "pro-removal of dress code" School Trustees and BC Teacher’s Federation President, Glen Hansman, extremely creepy and dangerous! They want to bring in the SOGI agenda which is a sex positive culture where social norms, values and morals don’t exist. The debate that went on that night, proves this point perfectly. Dress codes are all part of what this new SOGI agenda entails. They want to remove a dress code that protects young women from harassment and being objectified and they actually want to bring in a policy that makes it perfectly acceptable to allow teenagers’ bra straps, cleavage, short shorts and their underwear to be showing. It’s very disturbing and sick for an adult female who is the Board Vice-Chair, Willow Reichelt, and her male colleagues to be pushing for the removal of all semblance of modesty, appropriate attire and protection for young vulnerable women. That's creepy!

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