Friday 19 July 2024

Kristin Cavoukian - Change Agent - Anglophone East - and Mount Allison University's Meddler Minions

Concerns over legal spending ‘disingenuous’

Education Minister Bill Hogan has long criticized the DEC for its spending on the Policy 713 case. In December last year, Hogan denied the DEC’s request for funding to cover legal fees for its case against the province, going so far as to change the department’s policy on how DECs can access funding to cover legal fees. In a letter on July 8, Hogan says that just over $400,000 in legal fees were “misappropriated” and “wasted” by the Anglophone East DEC. [more below]

"Dorothy Shephard’s decision to resign from cabinet is getting support from a Mount Allison University poli-sci professor and Anglophone East District Education Council member."

source:  Minister’s resignation ‘the right thing to do’: DEC member | 97.3 The Wave

Getting coverage with the always useful idiot Erica Butler here:

"CHMA spoke with Anglophone East DEC councillor Kristin Cavoukian last week to learn more about the council’s position in both its case against the province, and the provincial case against the DEC. We started off asking Cavoukian about a recent DEC decision to pursue an appeal of Judge Tracey DeWare’s decision to deny the council legal standing in its Policy 713 case."  source:

Councillor says elected DECs help keep party politics out of education, defends legal spending » CHMA, Voice of the Marshes (

More here with academic meddler Kristin who appears to think she can speak for everyone here:

(1) Two N.B. school districts adopt their own LGBTQ2 student policies amid Policy 713 controversy - New Brunswick |

Is this transplant from Ontario - academic who thinks she is our better - Kristin related to the famous "Raffi"?

A man with influence and a foundation.. hmmmm..

it does explain the "clout" being displayed here by Kristin coming from her family... these are Egyptian born Armenians with very big important "flat lie Royal connections".  In a time of disclosure, we shall see a lot of unveiling taking place.. this is a very interesting scenario playing out in our little province out east .. isn't it?

Raffi's sister is also a big deal"change agent" Ann Cavoukian.. it is all very telling.. it is equally interesting to see their distinguished careers.. they are all very much worth examining more closely:

And finally, we have distinguished photographer to Ann and Raffi the older brother "Cavouck" aka Onnig Cavoukian" here:  Onnig Cavoukian - Wikipedia

No doubt this group are well aware of the intel I have been disclosing regarding Joseph Gregory Hallett King John III ... and his years of publishing.

By way of reminder Amazon sells Greg Hallett's books without the profits going to him [theft].

Also very much aware of this blogger advocacy is Ron Kelly Spurles the Tourism Manager of Tantramar [formerly Town of Sackville] for over a decade, married to Patricia Kelly Spurles, Professor at Mount Allison University - - they are raising a son and a daughter together.  Ron also dabbles in theatre/performance.  This "professional" duo are very well paid, entitled, chattering class hucksters and they reside in my neighbourhood - they moved in to their place after I moved in .. a little too close for comfort to be honest - perhaps they'll move to a more affluent country estate fitting their status and wealth and horse-y lifestyle?

Isn't that the truth Ronny? With thanks to Paul Henderson now heads up the local Struts Gallery, 7 Lorne Street, Sackville New Brunswick for your help in designing and making these advocacy cards for me [$50] by request over a dozen years ago.

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