Monday 30 October 2023

Sundown over Tantramarshire ... Not-For-Profit Grassroots Blogger Turns 12 Years Old in 2023!

View from Salem Street near Queen Roads in Sackville NB...  photography by Indie Media Eastcoast

 The traditional family unit is the bedrock of our society and it is my belief, and the belief of many other traditional, "wholesome", conservative-minded folks, that this unit is under attack by very dark forces and an agenda that is destructive, anti-woman, anti-mother, anti-child, anti-father, anti-family, anti-health, anti-common sense, anti-human, and anti-nature.  By simply wishing their children are protected from the perverted predator class who wish to steal their innocence of youth we are labelled "hateful" -- this is called "gaslighting".  The attack is driven by many helpful minions we call "useful idiots" [a soviet reference for people who go along to get along] and powerful Big Pharma corporations who profit mightily from the chemicalization and ultimately the sterilization of patients through gender-medicine and ongoing lifetime interventions of drugs, medical prescriptions and surgeries.  Too few politicians are able to speak honestly about this gender-medicalization matter... why?

How we act or fail to act in the coming years will determine what kind of future our children will have -- its really just that simple.  Who are pushing hard for the dark agenda? People like this doctor:

We all have a role to play in the ongoing peaceful outreach, education and enlightenment of others.  

After 12 years, this unfunded and grassroots blog stands now and into the future against that dark agenda. I hope to inspire others to learn, educate, network, connect, and oppose any harm or intent to harm of the children of New Brunswick who deserve our protection and our respect.

God bless you all and please stay strong.

Learn more at these links [ more will be added ]:

Scott Newgent posts on Twitter..

( Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

Why does Megan Mitton Green MLA go out of her way to continually network with and promote the SOGI123 Agenda? #VoteHerOut

Arthur Taylor was at one time a "facilitator" with the collectivists at the "Occupy Fredericton" movement - here's his latest blog in New Brunswick

Day 224 of why shouldn’t every day be detrans awareness day?! There are many arms to the gender ideology monster and people join this fight for many reasons. Some want to protect and safeguard the innocence of children from the sexualization we see in our schools, books and entertainment, etc. Some want to save women’s sports and single sex spaces. Some saw the erosion of parental rights in schools or experienced this firsthand with the social transitioning their of children without consent or the inability to opt out of sexually explicit material and gender ideology. Some saw the silencing of healthy debate in our medical and psychological fields and universities. Some are concerned about compelled speech and being forced to accept someone else's delusion or feelings as reality. Some believe it's against God's design. Some woke up to the realization medical and psychological harm was occurring by listening to detransitioners and realizing this was not "settled science." Others had a more personal experience with one or more of their children becoming suddenly confused over their sex and watching their mental health deteriorate. Some have even lost their children due to estrangement. For many, it was a combination. But what they all have in common is they realized silence was no longer an option. What will it be for you? How many more will be harmed in the meantime? #detransawarenessday

" Green borg brain MLA " meets with students on campus... Mount Allison University has been a big supporter of this politician with a radical agenda..

More helpful reading here....

and listening here.. 

and reading here....

Greg Hallett's "Stalin's British Training Breeding Concubines Paedophiles At War"

at this link:

and more here from "trans-man" Scott Newgent.....

"Be BRAVE & Retweet My name is Scott Newgent, the accidental star of Matt Walsh's 'What is a Woman' A transman. Gender medicine survivor. Lesbian. Mom & speaking out for kids; an active voice in the ever-growing battle against the medicalization of minors in the name of gender identity. I was censored in Canada on 9-20-2023, a trans against childhood mental transition. This chain includes EVERY LGBTQ+ journalist in Canada, top religious & conservative bloggers, podcasters etc ensuring I am not censored again! It was the biggest march in Canadian history on 09-21-2023, #MillionMarchRound, which Canadians don't know about because of media censorship. It won't happen again! Toronto 10-21-2023 #MillionMarchRound2 worldwide. This video attached has over 30 million views, a transman shaming the US media...Now, I am doing the same for Canada. You cannot say you did not know the truth about an entire generation of children in Canada being butchered by an Experimental Medical Process. These are facts that YOU, as the media, need to share with the public and SHAME on you for not doing so! I will be joining the million-plus Canadians peacefully protesting on Wednesday, September 20th, 2023, as we all stand up and say no to teaching gender theory as fact, secret-keeping from parents and to STOP childhood medical transition. Canada is the worst country in the world for sexualized materials available to children in schools and the experimental medicalization of gender-questioning children. I often have, as a transman, asked myself why Canada has turned into a blind, deaf, and dumb-seeing dog with the trans craze. After my first visit, it's crystal clear why Canada has evolved into TRANADA! #MillionMarch 09-21-2023 in Windsor, Canada, was a historical day; my five years of activism to STOP childhood medical transition had never come close to seeing the unity, love, and congregation of all communities, working together, putting differences aside to show concern about the absurdity of childhood medical transition. Over 5,000 people funneled into the streets for a peaceful protest. Yet, the Canadian media did not cover this event at any level they should have. The following day after the rally, I was shocked when I could not post on my social media accounts. Click, send... delete - censored only to return to my social media posts after I crossed back into the United States. Is Canada the USSR, and no one knows? I spent several days in Canada, giving speeches. I was astounded by how many adults were coming to the meetings with wigs and costumes, afraid of being seen, fearful of future harassment and fearing they would lose their employment! Canada? WHAT! After this march, things lit up here in the USA, igniting the second march and launching a worldwide rally as Canada did the month prior, over 100 cities in the US, 14 different countries, and another nationwide protest in Canada. When they asked me to come back to Canada, I forgot my own country to return to yours. Why? Something is wrong in Canada, and if your citizens are too frightened to speak, I will do that for them! So, when I was offered to be the entire face of all the Round Two Marches in Canada, I quickly accepted and will be not only leading the Toronto March, but I am also the face of all of them! Are you willing to cover the truth this time, Canada? Because if you are ready to be brave, I will also be brave! Media Requests: & Sincerely, -Scott Newgent Are you willing to cover the truth, Canada? Here is a video of a press conference I did in Ohio that has yielded over 30 million views on all social media platforms and was deleted once. There is nothing transphobic in this message. I am a transgender person, and these are the realities and facts about childhood medical transition. Do you care enough for children to know the truth? Tweet Video Newsweek by Transman Scott Newgent We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know | Opinion Epoch Times by Transman Scott Newgent Activism to Save Children From Medical Transition Is Not About Right and Left. It's About Right and Wrong Tide May Be Turning In the Battle To Halt Gender-Transition Procedures on Minors, Crusaders Say by Transman Scott Newgent Daily Wire by Transman Scott Newgent I Was In ‘What Is A Woman’: It Was The Hardest Thing I Ever Did, But I’d Do It Again I Underwent Gender Transition Surgery: Here’s What The Media Doesn’t Tell You Quilette by Transman Scott Newgent Forget What Gender Activists Tell You. Here’s What Medical Transition Looks Like

Trans activist: Serious concern over child re-assignment surgery

2023 "October Pride" event after a summer of pride in Town of Tantramar, home of Mount Allison University...

Politicians in Sackville New Brunswick - Megan Mitton MLA and Mayor of Tantramar Andrew Black
make a family event of "Pride" at Mount Allison University -- a chance to attack Blaine Higgs? Sad.
This past weekend, I had the opportunity to march in the Pride Parade co-hosted by Mount Allison Students' Union, Catalyst, and Tantramar. It's always important to stand as allies with our 2SLGBTQIA+ neighbours, especially given the extremely harmful rhetoric and policies coming from the Higgs government. I will continue to stand up for trans rights and the human rights of everyone in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community."

All our elected politicians are corrupted promoting Big pharma's corporate interests and profits and none of them can be trusted to keep our best interests at the forefront..
it is just that simple. There are thousands of "helpful Ceciles" in New Brunswick making their voices heard the loudest when it comes to "care" and that's really very unfortunate.

Note to readers:

You will not receive any coverage, support, credit, or respect for your views from Erica Butler, CHMA FM at Mount Allison University who since her arrival in town from Nova Scotia in 2020 [via the Halifax Examiner] has done nothing but promote the "progressive agenda" in her biased and uninformed reporting. See below link for examples of her obnoxious, agenda-driven reports:

#Make Schools Wholesome Again!

Safe Water Halifax, Dana Landry, Facebook page - thank you.
Keep up the good work!
I'm so grateful to all the good people who work in service to others on this important issue in Canada in 2023.

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