Wednesday 30 September 2020

Monday 28 September 2020

Biodiversity: Controlling Human DNA (through GMO vaccines) Is The Final ...

This was the strategy hatched in 1992 with Agenda 21: Control over biological diversity using advanced technology. Anything that is alive, including all humanity, is in the Technocrat's crosshairs for total makeover via genetic engineering.
The Earth Brokers by Chatterjee and Finger
The War on Humans by Wesley J. Smith
Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick Wood
Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order by Patrick Wood

Countering technocRATS in WW3

music: The Killers - Romeo & Juliette

Tantramar Landowners Association.... since 2015: Have you had enough of the politics of clown world...

Tantramar Landowners Association.... since 2015: Have you had enough of the politics of clown world...:   meme from "Trump Ties" on Twitter... Meanwhile in BC.... reports of Canadian pigs at the trough and their big fat pensions.....

Public Notices... .. ..#Tantramar Landowners Association


Friday 25 September 2020

THE TRUTH WAITS FOR NO-ONE (read description)

Watch till the end to find out what our opponents are up against.
@Frank Tufano @Stefan Molyneux @The Rubin Report @Brittany Sellner @Paul Joseph Watson @Ben Shapiro @Diamond and Silk - The Viewers View

TWITTER: @SeibtNaomi
INSTAGRAM: naomiseibt2000

If you wish to support me and this channel:
Bank account details:
IBAN DE48 4005 0150 0135 6135 37
Name: Naomi Seibt

Email for interview requests:

**** To assure you and the media that I am NOT funded by the oil and gas industry to spread certain views, I have decided to become 100% INDEPENDENT. I did not extend my freelancer contract with Heartland and although I will continue to work WITH them (as I still consider them wonderful true friends), I am currently not being paid for my work. I now rely on DONATIONS ONLY. ****

QFS Update from Rod Steel and Charlie Ward

Naomi Seibt - Germany - A Climate Realist


Welcome to the Heartland Institute 2020

Posted Feb 11, 2020

Hello, everyone. My name is Naomi Seibt and I am a new member at the Heartland Institute. And I’ve got very good news for you. The world is not ending because of climate change. In fact, 12 years from now we will still be around, casually taking photos on our iPhone 18s, Tweeting about the current President on Twitter and ranting about the latest celebrity gossip. However, we are currently being force-fed a very dystopian agenda of climate alarmism that tells us that we as humans are destroying the planet and that the young people especially have no future: that the animals are dying, that we are ruining nature.

I truly believe that many members of Antifa, Fridays for Future groups, Rebellion Extinction, I really believe that many of them have good intentions but they are genuinely scared of the world ending, and scared that their parents and grandparents are ruining the planet, that it’s breaking relationships, it’s breaking up families, and we at the Heartland Institute, we want to spread truth about the science behind climate realism, which is essentially the opposite of climate alarmism.

Many people are now actually developing mental disorders, and referring to it as eco-anxiety and eco-depression. And I believe it is important that we act now and change this entire mainstream narrative of fear-mongering and climate alarmism, because it’s basically just holding us hostage in our own brains.

With all of that said, don’t let an agenda that is trying to depict you as an energy-sucking leech on the planet get into your brain and take away all of your passionate spirit.

I don’t want you to panic. I want you to think.

Naomi Seibt, 19, Germany

I made it into the German mainstream press DER SPIEGEL with 7 pages and the Left is burning with rage. But that’s what happens when you play with fire and I am spreading sparks of hope like never before