Friday 29 March 2019

Steve Sailer - Leighton Steward USA

Our Mission:
Our mission is to educate the public on the positive effects of additional atmospheric CO2 and help prevent the inadvertent negative impact to human, plant and animal life if we reduce CO2. 
#carbon tax is theft #plants need co2 #carbon is not a pollutant

Creativity with Michael Tsarion - Divergent Podcast


Michael Tsarion is an Irish author, researcher and public speaker. You can follow his latest work at

HOPPEWAVE The Intellectuals So to Speak

CHRISTIANITY DEFIED: Understanding the Divine Scapegoat

Things You Should Ngo: The Swedish Jordan Peterson? feat. Göran Adamson

 Göran Adamson, a sociology professor at University West in Sweden. He’s been dubbed “the Swedish Jordan Peterson” for his controversial critiques of multiculturalism. He is the author of the 2015 book, “The Trojan Horse: A Leftist Critique of Multiculturalism in the West.

Goran has compared himself to Canada's Ricardo Duchesne.

Goran Adamson has another book coming out with a great title... very powerful .. "Masochist Nationalism - Multicultural Self-hatred and the Infatuation with the Exotic"

Monday 25 March 2019

Canada In Decay by Prof Ricardo Duchesne 2017

NB govt removed the "welcome" sign shown in this video in September 2018. Why?

Jordan Peterson And Christchurch

Jordan B. Peterson rich UN tool

Jano van Pelt writes:
Jordan Peterson is a globalist whose only complaint of the progressive left is that they are being too explicit in their destruction of western demographics and institutions.(Interestingly this is the same position that George Soros has of the progressive left)
Jordan Peterson is not a right wing figure, he has said as much himself, and he will never prescribe the correct political or philosophical solution to our problem, because he doesn't even agree that the direction we're going is a problem. In fact he agrees with the direction of our current society, all while he claims to be "post-ideological".(Which again, interestingly, George Soros also claims to be "post-ideological")

Jordan Peterson ultimately is a dead end for white males seeking answers to the problems that current society imposes on us. At his best, Jordan Peterson is giving rather simple "dad-pill" advice, that can be found anywhere else. At his worst, Jordan Peterson is being elevated, by forces outside his control, as the far end of mainstream acceptable opposition. He's a trap, meant to contain western males who might otherwise choose options that could actually change to system for the better. His opposition to indentity politics for anyone white, is the reason he's featured in the NYT, it's the reason he's allowed so much media coverage, it's why he's invited to globalist meetings such as the Trilateralist Commission and it's why he's asked to write documents for the United Nations. He's a dam, trying to stop the righteous fury of the aggrieved white populations, and as such, is a force for evil

Cob Builds

Canada Action - Ethical Oil - thanks Cody Battershill 

It Will Be Illegal To Talk About "Great Replacement" of White Canadians

It Will Be Illegal To Talk About "Great Replacement" of White Canadians

Friday 22 March 2019

Leave the children alone Big Pharma ..

All meddling, chemically and social engineering, in our children's health needs to be stopped immediately.... #stop big pharma's ongoing destruction in our society #stop promoting pills!!

Those people [ activists ] that are brainlessly and happily promoting this anti-nature/anti-human agenda as somehow 'inclusive' and 'progressive' need to think twice.

“Nothing is completely reversible.” And they’re putting children on these drugs. This is why you have mothers writing unimaginable statements such as, “My once-beautiful daughter is now bearded, homeless, and sterilized.” In the name of diversity and tolerance, transgender activists are experimenting on and destroying children. .. #big pharma #killing #harming #neutering ...

Mount Allison University's 2014 campaign to make bathrooms 'inclusive'.

IAOMT : Fluoride Toxicity and Human Health: Dental Advice

Dental fluorosis is a symptom of fluoride toxicity. Learn about the human health risks of fluoride exposure from IAOMT dentists.   Main Web Site.


Astronaut Ape "Floating in the Sky" .. from Russia with love xo

Thursday 21 March 2019

President Trump warns Ramaphosa over expropriation of land without compensation

JF Reacts to 'Eric Kaufmann Is White'

We Must Defeat Islam - UBC SFE

Webinar: The Classic Lindal Home

Because some children want to grow up and build amazing homes...

Axiom 3250 by Turkel Design

Maxime Bernier on 2019 federal budget: 'It's irresponsible'

Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada - Election 2019. Team Mad Max.

Eric Kaufmann Is White

Child Abuse. Climate Strikes. Scaring the Youth. Propaganda. Extremism.

[photo by Bruce Wark, Wark Times]

This organized network are anything but grassroots .. they are scripting the youth on what to say .. this is called astroturfing building fake consensus/community building. Carbon tax is theft.  Carbon is not a pollutant.

Recommended reads Dr. Tim Ball, Alex Epstein & Patrick Wood's books:

minion at NB Food Security Action Network - a funded NGO - meddler Laura Reinsborough - is this level of meddling acceptable? I think it is abusive to use children for your agenda and create scripts for them and teach them to protest.. very abusive... to make these demands and to create a fake consensus, fake narrative.. this is not student-led .. this has been created for the students by a network who are adults with an agenda .. an anti-oil and gas agenda.. shameful.

 "Laura Reinsborough, a mother of two young schoolchildren who said she was in full support of the students walking out of class for this Global Day of Action, was impressed with the level of maturity, dedication and cooperation she has seen from Sackville youth in this student-led movement.
“This is a rising movement around the globe and children will be invigorated and empowered by participating,” she said.
Reinsborough said she feels it’s important to talk to our children about climate change because “they deserve to know.”
“And they deserve the opportunity to participate in this movement that may give us all a fighting chance."
“The student climate strike provides an opportunity not only to talk to them about it, but also an opportunity for them to take action,” said Reinsborough. “And that's the biggest lesson I'm learning from Greta Thunberg and the movement she has started: that we don't have hope just because . . .we gain hope from taking action.”
Students from Salem Elementary, Marshview Middle, Tantramar Regional High School and Mount Allison University begin their march to town hall, where the strikers had a chance to voice their concerns and speak out about the government's inaction.
Students from Salem Elementary, Marshview Middle, Tantramar Regional High School and Mount Allison University begin their march to town hall, where the strikers had a chance to voice their concerns and speak out about the government's inaction.
The students presented municipal and provincial officials who were on hand for the event with a letter that called on the policy makers of the schools, the community, the province and the country to take action.
Below are a few excerpts from that letter:
“Our planet is on the precipice of an unprecedented crisis. According to a recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the time left for us to find a way to limit global warming to 1.5° C, our best possible chance for preserving a livable future for all, is terrifyingly short. The report states that, if global emissions of carbon dioxide are not reduced by at least 45 per cent by 2030, reaching net zero by 2050, the climate catastrophe in which we now find ourselves will have passed the point of no-return.”
“ . . .our future is at stake, yet our governments have almost uniformly failed to act meaningfully in response to this impending disaster."
“We cannot state our desperation in strong enough terms: our species is facing extinction. Our chances at a survivable future are vanishing with each passing day."
“We choose to disrupt our educations today in recognition of the disruption of our lives that will inevitably occur if we remain complacent. We as young people are rising up now because it is us who will be forced to live or die in the world that we build today."
“We have wasted too much time already, waiting for action that never came. We still have the chance to preserve this world for the young people of today and of tomorrow, but we need to act with courage immediately to fundamentally change the ways in which we conduct our lives in this town, in this province, in this country, and on this earth.”
“Only a bold, innovative and trailblazing effort now can avert a climate catastrophe of unprecedented proportions from taking place in our lifetimes. We students are relying on our policy-makers and elected representatives to be courageous and work with us, not against us, to produce the kinds of changes we need to protect and preserve the Earth. It is the only home any of us have.”
Youth’s demands from Friday’s climate strike:
The Town of Sackville
–Call upon the town to recognize the seriousness of the issue – particularly as a town vulnerable to rising sea-levels ­– and declare a Climate Emergency.
– In light of the release of the IPCC report in 2018, call upon the town to review, revaluate and update their 2010 Sustainable Sackville plan, and direct resources to ensure that goals will be met.
Province of New Brunswick
–Call upon the NB government modify school curricula to include education on climate science and climate change that reflects the reality of the situation.
–Also call upon the provincial government to cease its resistance of carbon-pricing programs and to stand by its moratorium on fracking.
Mount Allison University
–Mount Allison students call on the university to take a stand on the climate crisis by divesting students’ endowment of the top 200 publicly-traded fossil fuel companies.
–They also ask that MTA work to further “indigenize” their classrooms by incorporating Indigenous knowledge into course material.
Federal government
–“This government was elected on a promise of climate leadership, and we demand they make
good on that promise.”
–Work to implement bold and innovative new climate policy that recognizes and responds to the seriousness of the climate crisis actively.
–A recognition of the sovereign rights of Canada’s First Nations.
–A commitment to avoid investing in or permitting new fossil fuel projects.
–A plan to transition to a 100% renewable energy economy.
–A plan to drastically reduce carbon emissions
For video coverage of the rally and march, visit the Sackville Tribune-Post Facebook page."

Tantramar Landowners Association : Blind leading the blind... in Sackville / UNESCOville

Tantramar Landowners Association : Blind leading the blind... in Sackville / UNESCOVI...:  [climate protestors photography by Bruce Wark - Wark Times blogger ] Its unclear [ no street signage] as to where the offices ...

Nikola Tesla Walter Russell Wilhelm Reich John R.R. Searl Jason Verbelli...

��What it means to be European

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Critical Reflections on Canadian Multiculturalism w/ Prof. Ricardo Duchesne

The Fascinating Story of Indo-Europeans & Those Who Seek To Destroy It

RedIce.TV - Sweden.

2020: Our Common Destiny & The Anti Communitarian Manifesto / ACL Books

IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology

With 9-11, everybody around the planet can know that Free-Energy Technology exists.

Episode 0 OVERVIEW, as the IRREFUTABLE Series trailer, introduces many of the major elements required for knowing that Free-Energy Technology was used on 911.

P L E A S E - R E P O S T - A N D - S H A R E
Downloading, copying, distributing, reposting - sharing of all forms and fashions is highly encouraged. We ask only for a link to

L E A R N - A L L - T H E - D E T A I L S - B U Y - T H E - B O O K

J O I N - T H E - D I S C U S S I O N - O N - F A C E B O O K

Monday 18 March 2019

Moms. Canadian Moms.

Chilliwack School Trustee, Dr. Darrell Ferguson, Under Fire for Decency ...

Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson is running for the PPC - Maxime Bernier's Federal Party in 2019

Education is a provincial jurisdiction but I think Laura's opposition to SOGI shows her courage and righteous when it comes to protecting children in Canadian schools.. stay vigilant.. as Laura does.. it matters a lot.

Published on Mar 18, 2019
There was an extremely disturbing report a couple of days ago on the evening news on CTV here in British Columbia. It is now all over radio and Twitter as well. It’s a story that highlighted a School Trustee debate on dress codes in Chilliwack, BC. Not only am I shocked at the slant that CTV would put on this story, but I find the actions and perspectives of the "pro-removal of dress code" School Trustees and BC Teacher’s Federation President, Glen Hansman, extremely creepy and dangerous! They want to bring in the SOGI agenda which is a sex positive culture where social norms, values and morals don’t exist. The debate that went on that night, proves this point perfectly. Dress codes are all part of what this new SOGI agenda entails. They want to remove a dress code that protects young women from harassment and being objectified and they actually want to bring in a policy that makes it perfectly acceptable to allow teenagers’ bra straps, cleavage, short shorts and their underwear to be showing. It’s very disturbing and sick for an adult female who is the Board Vice-Chair, Willow Reichelt, and her male colleagues to be pushing for the removal of all semblance of modesty, appropriate attire and protection for young vulnerable women. That's creepy!

Fraser Anning unbowed and unrepentant | Nine News Australia

Enoch Powell, “Rivers of Blood” And The Fate Of White Canada: Part II

Enoch Powell, “Rivers of Blood” And The Fate Of White Canada: Part II <--- CEC article...

Enoch Powell's predictions about how England would be destroyed by immigration can be applied to Canada: ethnic enclaves across the country, declining real wages, racial tensions, demonization of whites, are now rampant. Without white identity politics, whites are set to become like the Boers in South Africa.

ACL Books - Niki Raapana & Nordica Friedrich

Sunday 17 March 2019

Why is Canada providing foreign aid to China?

Hey Dominic Leblanc... what about aid to the Canadians youth who want a great skatepark in Beausejour? -- Tantramar Skate Park - project for the youth .. culture, tourism, and fitness/wellness/health/sport.

Saturday 16 March 2019

Anti-white lecture at UNB Canada FULL

the chattering class in whackademia are doing a lot of anti-white hate campaigning.

War for World Government: Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte

Marine Le Pen ~ Anti Communitarianism #boycott CBC

Edmonton PPC Rally - Maxime Bernier

Ex Pharma Sales Rep speaks the truth - Pharma doesn't want to cure you

Dr Peter Gøtzsche exposes big pharma as organized crime

#FreeHuanito - Rick Simpson supports Huanito Luksetić

Hemp History Week - June 3-9, 2019 - check out their website!

June 3-9, 2019 is Hemp History Week - with Tantramar Landowners AssociationLandowners Beausejour Canada -- Southern New Brunswick Canada.

Henry Ford made a car with hemp?

Henry Ford Predicts Crop-based Ethanol as Fuel of the Future in 1925 … Builds Hemp-plastic Car in 1941

Stop protesting.. start promoting...

Nikola Tesla Walter Russell Wilhelm Reich John Searl Jason Verbelli
Fiat Lux --- Global BEM - 

Young Canadian Jess Kampen writes on Trudeau ..

"8 months ago, this photo was taken. If you asked me, I was all about it. You were there to show us you gave a shit about pipelines, steel tariffs, and to make us feel like the western part of our country - the country you're in charge of - was important enough for you to fight for.
Gen X warned us. "I wonder if he'll be like his father." The elder millennials questioned it. They were old enough to kind of know what happened with the Trudeau before you, but not well enough that they could put their finger on what it was.
You got us good, I'll admit. You put women and people of color in your cabinet, making minorities more visible to make yourself "more visible". You promised the millennial youth that you'd make a difference. That you'd legalize pot (which you did), you told us you were pro-pipeline, pro-oil sands, pro-oil patch. Everything a large majority of us built our lives on. L3R started to go into the ground, but Energy East was terminated. All because Montreal didnt want the pipeline to go through their city...which already has HOW many pipelines buried underground? Fishy, but okay. You never pushed them to reconsider either... that should have been the first flag. But you covered that up by buying Trans Mountain, and making that your big "good guy Trudeau" story. "Look how great I am, I bought this pipeline as The Government" so you could all keep working the big money jobs!"
What you didnt expect, was things started to change. Alberta was getting angrier. Saskatchewan started to get angry. You offered no support from the federal government as job losses increased. Yet, you visited and held an invitation-only town halls, to "listen" to the people you continue to screw over. One of my union brothers was there, by the way, and he wiped the floor with you. A convoy traveled across the country, from Alberta to Ontario, gathering people and making noise. Listen to us, hear us, see what you're doing to us. You continue to look the other way.
You chose to protect a company in Quebec, that is facing charges of corruption, bribery, fraud and looking at criminal prosecution. You chose to hide things, and yet you were shocked when it came to light. Surprised when people decided not to be quiet. Amazed that she would come forward and speak against you, and what went down behind closed doors with SNC. I cannot wait to see what gets aired in the press conference in... roughly 5 hours.
We gave you a majority government. We gave you unbridled power to do as you please without being checked by opposition. We gave you the power to ignore us and do what you want. Like father, like son - you chose to protect a province that doesnt really have much in terms of revenue for the country, while the provinces that keep you afloat are being bled dry. You actively choose to turn a blind eye to what's going on, while you sit on your chair, in your private meetings, trying to figure out a way to spin this too make yourself look good.
Times up, Justin. It's time for you to fess up, and step down as Prime Minister of Canada."

This was shared on Facebook.. over 23,000 times already... 

Whites: On The Chopping Block

Friday 15 March 2019

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Patrick Wood: China, Dystopian Technocracy, & Global Governance

CNP Calling For Trudeau Resignation

If you support our movement to nationalize Canada, subscribe to our email list ( or become a party member (

Great Project, Great Fun, Great Youth - Tantramar Skate Park Project

The War on the Masculine and Feminine

Nature grants us masculine and feminine energies, the healthy interplay of which produces energy, spirit, a mysterious and life-affirming beauty and vigor. 

These energies, and the harmonious and productive family unit they serve to create, aren't conducive to the materialist and consumerist vision of the globalist ideology, and are thus under attack from every direction.

The cultural-marxist ethos underlying globalist thinking is unnatural, quite literally anti-nature... and need to be unmasked and fully understood. The ramifications, should they triumph, will be devastating... to individual, state, race and species. 

Men and women aren't meant to be enemy forces fighting for self-interest, but complementary forces, harmonizing to inspire and create.... its high time we rediscover our innate character.
A beautiful future awaits.


Tantramar Landowners Association, since 2015

And for all the daddies and mommies who works at, obediantly wear the 'ORANGE SQUARE PATCH' to show public support for the 'Divest MTA' movement I want you to know that I love fossil fuels and I support our Canadian workers and their important projects, including the ENERGY EAST PIPELINES that bring our nation JOBS & prosperity -- ... ITS OKAY TO SUPPORT CDN ETHICAL OIL, GAS, PIPELINES, OIL SANDS, AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT.  Teach your children well.. stop spreading climate fear.. Please read up at Canada's voices of reason:  Dr. Patrick Moore and Dr. Tim Ball's -- spreading fear and worry into our children's minds is not good parenting...

Monday 11 March 2019

" Climate Stress " coddling .. brought to you by the usual suspects ..

Ex-pharmacist & founder of govt funded adult daycare/farm Open Sky Kibbutz, a caring, sharing, volunteerism run org. working in partnership, of course, with pals at EOS Eco, who also spend most of their existence scaring people about the climate.  What I would suggest is some fast-acting relief by reading up at 'real scientists' websites - Patrick Moore's and Dr. Tim Ball's website [ Tim is a regular contributor at ]

Here's one from the USA on the youth's "new green deal" [UN Agenda 2030] frothy and pent up climate hysteria of climate obsessed minions planning a "strike" action "Blind leading the blind"

Astronaut Ape - A Little Closer To The Stars [Full EP]

Celebrating Trad Dads and Trad Mums .. Traditionalism still matters

" Tax Cuts " - Maxime Bernier's People's Party of Canada - PPC - Federal Election 2019

I'm for smaller government and more freedom — that's why I'm proposing tax cuts for every single Canadian. Are you with me? - Maxime Bernier, MP of Beauce, Quebec
and leader of the new "People's Party of Canada" federal election 2019

Waking to the Lie of Globalism

Never Forget

��We are Cousins.. We Europeans

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Patrick Wood on Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order

Patrick Wood joins Our Interesting Times to discuss his book "Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order." We talk about the history of Technocracy and why this early 20th century utopian social movement was revived by the elite Trilateral Commission in the 1970’s.

Patrick Wood is a leading expert Technocracy and the Trilateral Commission. He is an economist, a financial analyst and author. He is also founder and Executive Director of Citizens For Free Speech, a tax-exempt organization to defend and promote the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Patrick’s primary website is

Podcast #2: Staring Into The Abyss

Published on Feb 28, 2019
In episode two of the Resurrection Europa podcast, we welcome Mischa Popoff as our guest.

Mischa grew up on a grain farm in Saskatchewan Canada, and studied history at the University of Saskatchewan. He then went on to work as a USDA contract-organic inspector before switching to political commentary. Today, he lives with his wife and children in Texas, and he writes full time. Some of his writing has been published in Culture Wars magazine (

You can read Mischa Popoff's article about "gay jesus" in the January 2019 issue of Culture Wars magazine, which you can download here:

We discuss a myriad of topics in this episode, including the disturbing attempt to subvert Christianity in the form of "gay jesus", children's sex-ed that begins in kindergarten and pushes transgenderism, the ongoing attempt to normalize pedophilia, as well as the ethnic cleansing of White European Canadians (and Westerners as a whole), among other things.

Be advised: Some of the topics discussed in this podcast are quite disturbing.

List of topics with timestamps:

"gay jesus" | 1:51
Degenerate children's sex-ed | 41:49
The pushing of transgenderism on children | 44:32
More on degenerate children's sex-ed | 50:05
Attempted normalization of pedophilia | 59:37
[ Furries mentioned | 1:18:15 ]
Destruction of fathers and the family | 1:20:48
Saltpeter and salt of the earth | 1:32:58
The state of Canada | 1:41:42
White genocide and ethnic cleansing | 1:53:00


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Old Man Luedecke - Kingdom Come

Orthodox Christian Chant - The Terrifying Judgement
  • Category

  • Song

  • Artist

    • Old Man Luedecke
  • Album

    • Tender Is The Night
  • Licensed to YouTube by

    • [Merlin] IDLA Distribution (on behalf of True North); Canadian Music Administration Solutions (CMAS), CMRRA, and 1 Music Rights Societies