Sunday 8 December 2019

UN's Agenda 21/2030 destroying Regional Communities

Malcolm Roberts, Australia...

By regulating every input that a farmer uses, the Liberal and Labor parties have effectively nationalised the Australian farming sector. 

Labor and the Liberals are destroying the productive capacity of farming and our regional communities. Over governing drives up costs, stifles innovation, creativity and the ability of farmers to improve productivity on their own land.

While this bill attempts to improve access to health professionals in the bush, unless we address the over reach and interference of government into every aspect of a farmers life, the decline of regional Australia will continue.

Liberal/Labor are implementing the UN's Agenda 21/2030, setting out a clear agenda to steal our country’s sovereignty and destroying constitutional governance?

Secure property rights are fundamental to freedom yet are being destroyed through ignorance, cowardice and gutlessness by Liberal and Labor governments who happily embrace the United Nations and its evil agenda.

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